See Batman Team Up With His Worst Foes In This Exclusive Preview Of ‘Batman And Two-Face’ #28

Harvey Dent wasn’t always a psychopath. But that doesn’t mean he was always on the side of right, either. And now that history, before he was Two-Face, is coming to bite him in Batman and Two-Face #28.

Essentially, back when he was Harvey Dent, Two-Face wronged crime bosses the McKillen sisters by, uh, putting them in jail where they belonged. Erin McKillen has come back to get a little revenge, but needless to say, it becomes a lot more complicated, a lot more quickly, especially since Two-Face has a grudge to settle as well.

Formerly Batman and Robin, since the death of Damien Wayne, Peter J. Tomasi has been teaming up Batman with various members of the Batfamily, in what’s become a riff on the process of grieving. In fact, grieving is a theme throughout this arc; Harvey mourns the death of his wife and Batman can’t quite let go of the hope his friend is somewhere inside Two-Face.

It’s all supported by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray, who gorgeously illustrate these books. They can make Killer Croc look pensive, and take a certain glee in action that’s infectious, even when it’s a villain about to get blasted with a flamethrower. See for yourself: Batman And Two-Face #28 will be on the stands next week.