WWE Monopoly Is Here And Yes, They Made AJ Lee The Cheapest Property

It’s WrestleMania season, so WWE’s pulling out all the cross-promotional stops. We’ve already had a Scooby-Doo WrestleMania mystery crossover, so the next logical step in “getting people who don’t watch wrestling interested in wrestling” is obviously a Monopoly game.

If you’ve ever been into one of those calendars-and-garbage stores in the mall you know there’s a themed Monopoly for everything, but this is the first one that allows you to purchase Mark Henry. It’s like you’re a real wrestling promoter!

Via Toy News:

In a new partnership with the World Wrestling Entertainment Inc, the board game will feature 22 of the federation’s Superstars as properties on the board, with the stations replaced with the WWE events; WrestleMania, SumerSlam, Royal Rumble and Survivor Series.

The board game will also include six custom collectible game tokens, while professional wrestling promoter, Vince McMahon will feature as the face of the Monopoly Money.

The game will be released across the US this week and will retail for $39.99.

Maybe putting Vince’s face on the money isn’t a great idea.

Anyway, here’s a shot of the board:


– AJ Lee is the cheapest property, because jokes.

– I’m sad that the “go to jail” spot is still just Go To Jail. Easy joke is that it should’ve been Go To Sleep. Better joke is that it should’ve been a wellness policy violation that sends you to suspension. Best joke is that it’s a DUI spot, and it sends you to TMZ.com.

– The little tokens are kind of adorable and guarantee every WWE Monopoly game begins with somebody yelling I WANNA BE THE BOOT.

– Daniel Bryan isn’t as valuable as a bunch of part timers and people who no longer work for the company.

– Triple H is worth more than the Undertaker. I guess those three WrestleMania losses didn’t devalue him at all. They should’ve at least had it be Authority Triple H.

– Community Chest should be “Best For Business.”

– Players who chant “CM PUNK” during the game lose a turn.