Is WWE SmackDown Moving Back To Thursday Nights? This Truck Says Yes.

According to this Instagram photo posted by Jose Guerra, Friday Night Smackdown is on the move.

WWE had all of their production truck wraps redone prior to this week’s Texas tapings, presumably because the loss of big-time player Captain Comic is just too fresh in everyone’s hearts. This photo seems to indicate a return to the broadcast day it occupied from it’s debut in 1999 until 2005. It would also seem that this production truck is way better at breaking stories than we are.

If Smackdown does move to Thursdays, it raises more questions than this truck has answers. When will the WWE Network air current Thursday night product NXT? Is this a move to take over televised wrestling on Thursday nights in the face of Impact’s demise? An effort to increase ratings for a show that’s only a B+ player? Or is it simply that Steve from Marketing is about to get the most future endeavored?