Brave Dixie Carter Suffered A Broken Back And Still Did The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

In what most TNA fans would expect to come two years after it was actually popular, Dixie Carter has become the next wrestling celebrity to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. It’s probably been about five minutes since you last watched one of these videos, but hey, ALS donations have increased tenfold since the challenge became a viral sensation (you can donate here).

Just like most things on Impact Wrestling just aren’t quite right, Dixie uses cold milk instead of ice water. She also tries to sell her “severely injured spine,” because spinal injuries are all the rage these days, and also Impact Wrestling tapes insanely far in advance and she’s still in-character selling being put through a table. Dixie insists that though she was issued the challenge by former friend/enemy/friend/enemy again Kurt Angle, she’s doing it for her neighbour and Impact Wrestler Robbie E. She then challenges Tommy Dreamer, Bully Ray, and Devon, because in-character Dixie Carter is still kinda great.

No word on whether the former ECW wrestlers have answered her challenge, or whether or not they’re currently road-tripping to her house to literally drown her in ice water and finish the job, because in-character those guys are still kinda the worst.