Supergirl May Be Coming To Break Up The DC Comics TV Sausage Party

DC Comics may struggle somewhat when it comes to the silver screen, but they’ve pretty much got TV all squared away, with The Flash, Constantine and the surprisingly high-quality Gotham all on the way. It’s a pretty good line-up, but it could use a bit of feminine charm I’d reckon.

Well, word is DC Entertainment is currently shopping around a Supergirl TV show. Michael Green, who’s been behind TV shows such as Smallville, Heroes and the upcoming Gotham and The Flash, would produce the show. Green was also the writer of the solidly-received New 52 reboot of Supergirl (and, uh, the Green Lantern movie, but nobody’s perfect), so it’s safe to say he knows Kara Zor-El pretty well.

Of course this could run into the same old “Female superheroes are a tough nut to crack!” nonsense, but I have a feeling this might actually happen. So hey, let’s do some fantasy casting — I’m gonna throw out Saoirse Ronan here…

Granted, Saoirse Supergirl would need to put on some pretty serious sunscreen during space flights. 

What do you folks think?

Via Bleeding Cool