‘Arrow’ Recruits Its Ra’s Al Ghul And Debuts A New Trailer

First, here’s a new trailer emphasizing a slightly lighter nature to the proceedings; Ollie’s making a few more jokes, but he’s also shooting people and he appears, at one point in this trailer, to be hunting down vicious criminal Denis Leary. Also apparently he’s loosened up enough to flirt while on the job. Still, I have to admit, the loudest laugh this got out of me was Ray Palmer asking Ollie if he validates parking. But, needless to say, the third season won’t be all comedy and will have its problems, including confirmed big bad Ra’s Al Ghul.

So, who’s playing R’as? That would be Matthew Nable, according to Coming Soon. You probably best remember him as the bounty hunter who wasn’t a complete ass in Riddick, or, if you’re a sports fan, you may remember him as a former professional rugby player. Which, honestly, is promising because let’s face it, any villain on this show needs to be able to both take and deal out a hit. If you pay attention, the trailer tells us Diggle, Ollie, and Roy will be visiting his desert hideout at least once. In all, the third season looks more and more promising, but we’ll know for sure when it starts airing October 8th.