TNA Throws Shade At Night Of Champions, WWE Probably Doesn’t Care

Hey gang, did you enjoy Night of Champions?  Statistically, I know that some of you didn’t, because we wrestling fans are an opinionated bunch that enjoys heated debate on anything that happens within the vicinity of a turnbuckle.  Without turning this into a Best And Worst column, I’ll just say that I can see where some people may have lost the plot.  If you’re one of those people, then I’ve got good news!  The social media-savvy folks at TNA Impact feel your pain, and they’re here to offer an alternative.  Here’s what TNA tweeted minutes after the conclusion of Night of Champions.

I was about to reach deep into my folder of vintage Drudge Report siren GIFs and make this post all SHOTS FIRED-y, but I have to say, this feels more like desperation than aggression.  Moreover, this whole tweet is just native advertising from Samsung.  Vince McMahon isn’t going to look at a snarky tweet originally intended to sell the Galaxy Note and think “Oh man, this company with an uncertain future has our number, time to lock the writers in a room while they come up with the next Attitude Era.”  Impact has some good things running for it right now (EC3, Spud, HAVOK), but hardly enough to warrant this kind of bravado.  So yeah, fair play to you, Impact.  Your swipe across the aisle at your competitors is somehow taking a back seat to the Apple/Samsung rivalry.  Meanwhile, I’m hoping for the TNA saga to accelerate towards the end so we can get EC3 back to Full Sail where he belongs.  Yellow ropes forever, buddy.