TagMeADate.com Is Like eHarmony For Lonely Wrestling Fans And Hey, Stop Laughing

Do you like pro wrestling? Are you having trouble finding a significant other who appreciates Dolph Ziggler’s workrate as much as you do? Can’t find anyone on Match.com to be the sexual Virgil to your Million Dollar Man of love?

Get ready for TagMeADate.com, the Internet’s first dating site for wrestling fans, set to launch on Tuesday October 14th. That’s almost a week and a half before Hell In A Cell, which should work out well for a bunch of weird, budding romances. The site’s tagline is “wrestling night just became date night,” which would be easier if wrestling didn’t air on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and some Sundays. Suggested slogan: “Tuesday is the only day you’re allowed to be by yourself.”

TagMeADate CEO and founder (and, I’m assuming, executive vice president of talent relations) Steven Glenwick recently spoke with Manhattan Digest about the site. No, he didn’t start it with WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, MANHATTAN DIGEST.

“The basic concept of this site is to connect people that share a similar passion of professional wrestling. I, along with the rest of my employees, have been life-long wrestling fans. This is our main passion and we are quite proud of that! I’ve been fortunate enough to meet the woman that would later be my wife, and learn on the first date that she was a wrestling fan. I want the same thing for all single wrestling fans. How great would it be to find someone that shares that very same passion?

“What makes our site different from the rest is that it mostly centers on wrestling-related questions. Our Q&A is much shorter and to the point and removed are many questions we feel are redundant, petty, and downright too personal that many other sites do. Our site will allow people to find matches based on questions such as favorite wrestler, favorite manager, and favorite tag team. We also provide space for users to talk about what drove them to wrestling and to discuss the experiences of any live events they may have been to.”

To reiterate, this is a totally real thing and not a gag where I write up fake dating profiles for Gene Snitsky and Samuel Shaw. It’s a nice service if you need it, but I’d hope “we’re both interested in the same lowest common denominator entertainment thing” isn’t a make or break for your relationship. As someone who is well known for being a colossal wrestling nerd, I’ve dated women who hated wrestling and who loved it, and it’s honestly never made much of a difference. Like, I can get excited for Cesaro vs. Sheamus without having the person I’m sleeping with match that enthusiasm, you know? A great way to get dates is to be confident in what you think about stuff and not feel like you have to explain, defend or qualify it to everyone you meet. Confidence goes a lot farther than “I can name all the members of the Truth Commission.”

Regardless, here’s our suggested TagMeADate Q&A:

1. Who was better, the Road Warriors or Demolition?
2. When The Rock called John Cena a Kung Pao Bitch, did you think that was funny? Explain.
3. Do you own any CM Punk shirts? If so, do you still wear them? Why?
4. Name a Japanese wrestler who has not appeared on WWE, WCW or TNA TV. Just one.
5. Is Randy Orton great or boring? Use the space below to answer in 8000 words or less.

h/t to ME