Want To See Cute Animals In Halloween Costumes Based On TV, Movies, And More?

Multipass! Leeloo (The Fifth Element) photographed by Matthew Mendoza.

Halloween is coming, and we’ve already recommended funny costumes for people, but what about our pets? Who will humiliate them, if not us? To that end, we’ve collected pictures of cats and dogs in pop culture Halloween costumes.

Let’s be honest. These cute little bastards have no idea who they’re dressed as, but they’re just happy to be included. Well, the dogs are happy. The cats are currently plotting all of our deaths, but they’ll look adorable when our uppence comes.

Walter White (Breaking Bad) photographed by georgethekat.

This pug came in like a wrecking ball. [via]

Sir Didymus and Ambrosius (Labyrinth) photographed by Leatherjen.

The Dogtor [via]



Harry Potter dogs photographed by Pets Adviser. [via / via]

Thorgi, dog of thunder [via]

Lokitty [via]

Michonne pug (The Walking Dead) [via]

Chia pet. [via]



Marilyn Monroe [via]

“Toby is less than thrilled about his halloween costume.” — racheek

Snow White [via]

“I bought Nala an Oscar the Grouch costume for Halloween. Did not expect it to be THIS hilarious.” — Chexjc

“Ichabod was less than impressed that I made him wear his headless horseman costume while I watched Sleepy Hollow.” — -hot_ham_water-

“There are some who call me… Tim.” [via]

This Walter White (Breaking Bad) dog is photoshopped, but that’s the danger you run into when putting these galleries together. [via]

“My cat Stewie dressed up as Nibbler [Futurama] from last Halloween.” – mennonite

“Spotted these handsome gentlemen in Tokyo.” — NotPatrickPass

“My sister bought her cat a Batman costume. I couldn’t resist the photo opportunity!” — krpenn019

Spongedog Squarepants [via]

Check out some of our other Halloween costumes: