These Cats And Dogs Are Ready For Halloween, Possibly Plotting Against Us

Earlier this week we introduced you to 25 cute animals in Halloween costumes based on pop culture, as well as some cats and dogs in geeky finery.

But what about the cats and dogs who have been coerced — through the clever use of treats — into wearing Halloween costumes that didn’t fit into our pop culture or geeky categories? Were these put-upon pets humiliated for nothing? No, we say! Let them have their day on the Internet, forever touted and remembered for that time they wore the lobster suit. No need to thank us, Lobster Cat. The look on your face is thanks enough.

Lobster cat photographed by tinah084. [via]

Spider-Cat, Spider-Cat, does whatever a Spider-Cat does. (It’s sleep. He sleeps.) [via]

“Happy Halloween. have a martini.” — walt4537


It’s a Boxer boxer. [via]

Mushroom kitten [via / via]

Pumpkin dog photographed by Andrew Roberts.

[via / via]

“My cat had his eye removed last month. Instant Halloween costume!” — Twitch1113


Dammit I’m mad, Taco Cat, dammit I’m mad. (That’s a palindrome.) [via]


“Two Monkeys Carrying a Box of Bananas” costume made by Crusoe_Dachshund of Celebrity Dachshund.

Beluga the seal-pup photographed by DenshiKenshi. [via]


Aviator dog photographed by aussiegall. [via]

Lobster cat photographed by toyahmiddy. [via]

Photographed by Nathan Rupert.

This is probably photoshopped but I love it. [via]


Can this horse be cuter? Nay. [via]

“I left my pumpkin unattended for one second…” — insolentjuice

“Saw something in her mouth, bent down and laughed.” — RagingRedLotus


Check out some of our other Halloween costumes: