‘Total Divas’ Has Extended Its Tentacles Into The Divas Division, Claiming Paige And Alicia Fox

For the past couple years the state of women’s wrestling in WWE has been competent ladies with a connection to the audience over here in the Divas division and top guys’ girlfriends, no-hopers and poor, poor Nattie over in the Total Divas division. The two camps were so rigidly divided there apparently was/is a rule that no member of the Total Divas crew can win the Divas championship.

Well, over the past few months that immutable line seems to be blurring somewhat. Nikki Bella has unexpectedly transformed into a clothesline from hell throwing hoss, her sister Brie has become the most over lady in the company and now comes the news that Divas division cornerstones Paige and Alicia Fox will be joining the Total Divas cast full time next season. Suddenly that “Total Divas can’t win the belt” rule not only seems unfair, but totally unworkable. What non-TD girls are left? AJ and Emma? I suppose they could just keep the belt on AJ and feed her challengers from NXT, but based on these comments by Stephanie McMahon, it sounds like the wall between regular and Total Divas is about to come crashing down.

Speaking of AJ, why does she continue to be the one major Total Divas holdout? Does she just have too much integrity? No, you sign that away when you join WWE. Reportedly it all comes down to the fact that you have to show some of your personal life on Total Divas and AJ’s personal life heavily involves a guy (CM something?) not interested in being on a reality show, particularly one produced by WWE. So, AJ has to exist in a limbo where she just defends her title without having to stage any fake wedding and/or divorces. Poor girl.

via Wrestling Inc. here & here