Some Of Your Favorite NXT Stars (And Alex Riley) Shared Their Adorable Childhood Halloween Costumes

One of the charming aspects of NXT is that things aren’t taken quite so seriously down there. You’d never catch Triple H sharing blurry pics of his fourth grade He-Man Halloween costume, because that would not be becoming of HIS MAJESTY, THE KING OF KINGS, but a gallery full of NXT stars being all cute as f*ck in their costumes? That’s fair game.

So, here’s a few pics of NXT stars’ favorite childhood Halloween costumes, courtesy of…

First up, Alexa Bliss basically wearing a pink version of what she wears to the ring now. The picture’s too low-res to show the glitter properly, but you know it’s there.

Here’s Tye Dillinger as Raggedy Andy. Also, that’s his mom as Raggedy Ann poking in the frame. If you aren’t suddenly a huge fan of Tye Dillinger, you have no soul.

Becky Lynch as a panda. Oh Becky – she has it locked down in the ring, but her essential spirit is still best represented by the picture on the right.

“I’m going to be doing what with my butt for a living when I grow up?”

Of course Alex Riley was the trying-too-hard little d-bag who got his parents to buy him a perfect replica uniform for his “costume”. Of course.

And finally, Renee Young dressed up as the Easter Bunny for Halloween. D’awwww. D’AWWWWW.

via WWE