The Origin Of “We’re Gonna Eat Your Lunch” And Other Lessons From Johnny Mundo’s Reddit AMA

Lucha Underground looks like it’s off to a great start.  In case you missed it, the folks at the El Rey Network have been kind enough to put their inaugural main event on YouTube for free, and it’s definitely worth checking out.  One of the luchadores you’ll see in that match is Johnny Mundo, who you might recognize from his time in WWE as John Morrison and/or Johnny Nitro.  Regardless of previous identities, Señor Mundo dropped by Reddit yesterday for an AMA session.  Lo and behold, we finally got an explanation for one of the most mystifyingly bad shirts in WWE history.

What the hell did “We’re gonna eat your lunch!” on your shirts mean?

okay… so… I took Tae Kwon Do for a few months as a kid & the instructor was this bad ass (he seemed bad ass, but then I was only 8) who would sit around after class and talk about his former tournament fights to the kids… his favorite way to say he was kicking ass was “Man, lemme tell you, I was EATING THIS GUYS LUNCH…”

…most of his stories after class to small groups of children went something like that… that phrase made me laugh ever since…

WWE Merch people & Stephanie all said the phrase was stupid and would never sell, they thought the monkeys on the shirt were too weird – All that made me want the damn shirt made even more so I insisted! I love that shirt… but no one else did…

John also had some fun answers about Vince McMahon and the WWE, lucha libre, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Whose idea was it to transition from Johnny Nitro to John Morrison?

Vince never liked the name “Johnny Nitro” he asked me a few times to switch names, I liked Nitro & didn’t want to switch but ultimately it was his decision.  I made a list of names that I’d like to switch to & he picked John Morrison a few hours before the show – I really enjoyed the John Morrison character and am a big fan of the Doors

What’s it like wrestling with a language barrier between you and a foreign wrestler? How do you call it?

It’s interesting!  some of the luchadors in Lucha Underground don’t speak english… calling matches is like playing a surreal game of charades

What comic book character would you like to play on the big screen?

Casey Jones!

He basically auditions for the role in this episode of Super Power Beat Down, in which he pummels the snot out of Kick-Ass. Couldn’t be any worse than the TMNT movie with Megan Fox, right?