Today In Nerdy Wrestlers: Sheamus Wants To Be Marvel’s Venom

I’m starting to get the notion that Sheamus really wants to be in the movies, guys and gals.  There was that rumor back in the summer that he’d be playing Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode VII, but that seemed pretty far-fetched to me with Vader being dead and all.  Unless, of course, J.J. Abrams went into my brain and stole my idea for Episode VII, wherein a rogue Sith cult that worshipped Vader as a messiah goes on a revenge crusade, killing Luke Skywalker within the first fifteen minutes of the movie.  This is as close as I get to fan-fiction, people.

Anyway, when asked about movie roles he’d like to play during WWE’s European tour this month, Sheamus had a pretty interesting answer… he wants to be Eddie Brock, a.k.a. Spider-Man foe Venom.  Here’s his statement, via The Mirror:

“I watched Guardians of the Galaxy and I thought Dave Batista did a great job, and Bradley Cooper was great as Rocket.  I always read comic books as a kid, I always remember Eddie Brock, who was Venom in the Spider-Man comics, he was kind of a redhead.  I’d love to play the role of Venom and Eddie Brock – Venom was one of my favourite characters… It would be a dream come true for me to star in the next Amazing Spider-Man film as Venom.”

As a big Venom fan myself, I guess I’d be cool with this.  Heck, I’m cool with anything that doesn’t involve Flash Thompson coming back from the war with his legs blown off, because OH MY GOD that was pointless.  Meanwhile, in the world of video games, another WWE star is looking to line up a big role.  The Big Show sat down with 2K Games to discuss WWE 2K15, and a fan asked if he’d like to be in any non-WWE video games.  From GameSpot:

“Sure, I’d love to be in a Gears [game],” he said.  “It’d be cool to be in a Gears of War.  I could dig that.”

He went on to say that his character could be “like a better version of Cole Train or something.”

So, just to recap – Sheamus wants to beat up Andrew Garfield, and The Big Show wants to shred the Locust horde in Gears of War.  The world is an odd and beautiful place.