The Mountain Goats Sing The Praises Of Pro Wrestling and Chavo Guerrero On Their New LP

Want to invite your hipster friends over for a hipster wrestling party, but can’t decide on any wrestling-themed tunes to throw on the ol’ turntable? Well, indie folk rock favorites The Mountain Goats are here to solve your dilemma as it turns out their next full album, entitled Beat The Champ, is going to be entirely about the glorious sport of pro-grappling. Here what Mountain Goats frontman John Darnielle had to say about the project…

ā€œBeat the Champ is about professional wrestling, which was an avenue of escape for me when I was a kid. Wrestling was low-budget working class entertainment back then, strictly UHF material. It was cheap theater. You had to bring your imagination to the proceedings and you got paid back double. I wrote these songs to re-immerse myself in the blood and fire of the visions that spoke to me as a child, and to see what more there might be in them now that Iā€™m grown.ā€

Here’s the first single from the album, The Legend of Chavo Guerrero, which is about Chavo Classic, not the guy currently wrestling in Lucha Underground. Not even The Mountain Goats are quite that hipstery…

Beat the Champ comes out April 7th. Hey Mountain Goats, just a tip, but maybe bump that release up a week so people can add a little folksy flavor to their Wrestlemania parties.

via Stereogum