Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ And ‘Agent Carter’ Go Back-To-Back

The Flash brings in the Pied Piper, and Agent Carter rolls out the Blitzkrieg Button in what’s a fairly packed night of TV for nerds. Let’s take a look, shall we?

All time are Eastern.


The Flash, The CW: The Pied Piper is here, he’s queer, and he’s going after Harrison Wells for reasons that are likely richly deserved. Apparently we can expect wall-to-wall gay jokes with this one.

The Matrix, IFC: Remember the good times, before the sequels.


Agent Carter, ABC: Or “Peggy Gives Howard Stark A Richly-Deserved Verbal Beatdown.” Here’s a promo! Also, does Stark make a damn thing that isn’t an insanely dangerous explosive?

Supernatural, The CW: Felicia Day returns! Oh, sorry, did you need to hear anything else? She returns and beats people up.

Edison: American Experience, PBS: Just in case you were wondering why the Telsa fanboys on Twitter are throwing rage-fits.

Face Off, SyFy: One of the few reality competitions that a sane human being might find interesting returns!


Big Giant Swords, Discovery: Really, all you need to know is within the title. They’re building a sword shaped like a whale in this one, making you wonder if this show is just paid for by Square Enix and a consortium of anime collectibles manufacturers.

Die Hard, Encore: OK, so it’s not particularly nerdy, but come on, what kind of terrible person would I be if I didn’t let you know you could watch Die Hard somewhere?

We’ll be liveblogging The Flash and Agent Carter back to back tonight, starting at 8pm EST. Join us, won’t you?