Just in case you’re wondering, the answer is yes — I meant to include “science,” “feminism,” and “Ryan Gosling memes” into the same headline. For what originally began with the F*ck Yeah! Ryan Gosling Tumblr blog gave way to several derivative websites, including the famous Feminist Ryan Gosling. Now it seems the popular offshoot is actually having a positive effect:
University of Saskatchewan Ph.D. students Sarah Sangster and Linzi Williamson conducted a study of how the Internet’s famous feminist Ryan Gosling memes affect people’s feminist beliefs. Their research found that men who saw a picture of Ryan Gosling with feminist text written over it were more inclined to endorse radical feminist beliefs than the control group of people who only looked at photos of Gosling with no text. (Via Hollywood Reporter)
I don’t know too much about behavioral science and sampling practices, but I do know this — Ryan Gosling is a beautiful man. Anyone who can encourage Anna Kendrick to masturbate in a public theater gets my vote.
(Via Hollywood Reporter)