Here’s Jared Leto in drag on the set of of Dallas Buyer’s Club, in which he stars opposite an equally-freaky looking Matthew McConaughey. Click to Buzzfeed to see more images. I guess Leto’s director Jean-Marc Valée (Young Victoria) wanted to destroy something beautiful. Or at least, make something beautiful look like your mom (he’s even opening the door to a trailer, perfection!).
If this doesn’t work out for Jared Leto, he should get some kind of award for method-acting the sh*t out of roles no one will see. You may remember that back in 2007, he gained 60 pounds and almost ruined his kidneys to play Mark David Chapman in Chapter 27, a brutally-panned indie co-starring Lindsay Lohan that went on to earn less than $200,000 at the box office worldwide. He could be a totem, a martyr for the entire acting profession, the patron saint of down-on-their-luck actors. “Jared Leto nearly kills himself for tiny films no one sees or likes so that you and I may win fame and fortune playing ourselves in a TV movie set in Tahiti, forever and ever unique New York amen.”
[via TheSuperficial / Photo via Shutterstock]