Nilüfer Yanya Unveils Her Upcoming Album ‘My Method Actor’ With The Invoking ‘Method Actor’

Andrew Garfield Said He Fasted And Gave Up Sex For Six Months While Prepping Martin Scorsese’s ‘Silence’

Mads Mikkelsen Has No Patience For ‘Pretentious’ Method Acting: ‘What If It’s A Sh*t Film?’

Seth Rogen Detailed A Bizarre Dinner With Nicolas Cage That Began With The Famously Eccentric Actor Delivering A Made-Up Monologue… In A Jamaican Accent

Andy Serkis ‘Walked On All Fours For Hours’ To Prepare For Gollum Role

Jared Leto Still Hasn’t Seen ‘Suicide Squad’ For A Good Reason

Jared Leto Method Acted Himself Temporarily Blind For ‘Blade Runner 2049’

Jared Leto Kissed A ‘Suicide Squad’ Co-Star Because Method Acting

‘Suicide Squad’ Behind The Scenes Video Shows Jared Leto Going Method, Bless His Heart

Shia LaBeouf Was Almost In ‘Suicide Squad’ Until Warner Shut That Down

‘Kate Plays Christine’ looks like a mind bender of a documentary

Jared Leto Explains His Gifts To ‘Suicide Squad’ Co-Workers: ‘Human Meat Is Always A Great Gift’

Jared Leto Tested His Joker Laugh On Strangers In Public Because Of Course He Did

Will Smith On Jared Leto’s ‘Suicide Squad’ Method Acting: ‘I’ve Never Actually Met Jared Leto’

Ben Foster Didn’t Really Need To Take Steroids To Play Lance Armstrong, But He Did Anyway

Channing Tatum Is Learning Card Tricks From An Actual Magician For ‘Gambit’

Jared Leto Sent His ‘Suicide Squad’ Co-Stars A Live Rat And Bullets Because METHOD ACTING

Shia ‘Just Do It’ LaBeouf Was Hospitalized For Putting His Head Through A Window On A Film Set