Wrestling Life-Saver Diamond Dallas Page Was Hospitalized This Weekend

Over the past few years, Diamond Dallas Page has surprisingly emerged as one of wrestling’s most inspiring figures, both for successfully reinventing his career with DDP Yoga and for putting wrestling business causalities like Jake Roberts and Scott Hall back on a healthy path. Unfortunately, it was DDP himself who needed some help this weekend.

DDP went to his doctor after having trouble breathing for about a week, and once examined, he was quickly admitted to the intensive care unit at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. It turns out that DDP was suffering from a rare breathing disorder called subglottic stenosis, a narrowing of the airway beneath the vocal chords, which has the potential to be deadly. Subglottic stenosis is usually a child’s disease, so it’s fairly uncommon for somebody of Page’s age to come down with it. DDP suspects that the stress of being involved in this year’s Royal Rumble (particularly the non-stop interviews) was to blame, so there’s a very good chance those will be the last Diamond Cutters you’ll ever see.

On Sunday, DDP tweeted a picture of himself outside the hospital with his overnight bag, so it seems that he may be on the mend and ready to go home for now.

Word is that DDP may be going back to the hospital for surgery later this week.

via Inquisitr