Let’s Liveblog Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Gotham’ Gathers Its Penguins

Gotham has quickly realized that Oswald Cobblepot is possibly its best character. And it appears they’ll be exploring that tonight, as we count down to the season finale.

Last week actually was an odd mix of Twilight Zone-style parable as a bunch of thugs became obsessed with a red mask; corporate intrigue as an old friend of Alfred’s turned up, taught Bruce to kick ass, and then shot his surrogate father; and the just completely, gleefully insane organ-farm plotline Fish Mooney’s been shoved into that ended with her gouging out her own eyeball with a spoon. Okay, it makes absolutely no sense, but holy crap! Oh, also, Oswald is proving hilariously incapable of running a nightclub, a nice little touch; now that he has power, he doesn’t know what to do with it.

This episode will introduce Dr. Dulmacher, or the Batman villain the Dollmaker, who we last heard about abducting adorable street urchins in the second episode. Harvey Dent will also be back, and hopefully on his meds. Plus there will be more Jeffrey Combs, and who doesn’t want more Jeffrey Combs? We’ll be liveblogging everything starting at 8 p.m. EST. Join us, won’t you?