A WWE Producer Responded To Claims That They Pissed Off Roman Reigns’ Family

According to the Wrestling Observer, the guy with the wettest hair was also the guy with the angriest family after his main-event match at WrestleMania. As we mentioned last week, the family of Roman Reigns was supposedly furious at the “last-minute” decision for Seth Rollins to walk out of WrestleMania as champion. WWE producer Michael “Punctured Soufflé” Hayes insists that’s all a bunch of BS (Bad Streets? Blue Sailboats? Baby Snails?):

Not one to be questioned, Dave Meltzer of the Observer/Driver had this to say in response:

“Six different sources on the Sika story by the way. Two more on the Afa side of the family for his reaction. This was not a secret. Was something everyone was openly talking about, both in the family, close to the family, and more.”

If we can say one thing for certain of WWE, it’s that whatever the truth is, their prerogative is to control the narrative at all costs, regardless of that truth. It’s not a stretch to say that 40+ family members showing up to watch their handsome prince get suplexed nearly to death and then walk out a champion would be pissed that didn’t happen, but it’s also not a stretch to take any “insider” reports with a grain of salt.

That said, I think we call all agree that the more important takeaway from this is that the Undie looked really great, and it’s important to awkwardly insert that into any and all WrestleMania conversations.