So, maybe you’ve noticed that we here at With Spandex enjoy Lucha Underground quite a bit. I’ll leave it to the eloquence of Brandon to lay out the how and the why in his Over/Unders, but out of nowhere, it slipped under the radar and became some of the best wrestling on TV today. Along the way, it’s picked up some pretty high-profile fans. One of those fans is Good Ol’ JR himself, as we can see in his most recent blog entry. As it turns out, we almost got the voice of Wrestle Kingdom 9 to show up at the Boyle Heights Temple.
“I had a chance to do some work with Lucha Underground as they prepare for their season finale taping in a little over a week that will air in August but we couldn’t make the date work. I’m a fan of their product, except the intergender stuff which doesn’t suspend my disbelief, and would have enjoyed doing a project with them but it wasn’t in the cards this time around. I wish them the best of luck nonetheless during these apparent, crunch times for their brand. I am still of the belief that their back stage content is the best in he genre.”
If his intergender comment is referring to people getting weird with Ivelisse, then I agree. Otherwise, who are you to doubt Sexy Star? At least Ross is on board with the backstage vignettes. You’d have to be a damn fool not to enjoy Pentagon, Jr. training in the Game of Death pagoda. By the way, it looks like this comment meshes with what we’ve heard about ULTIMO LUCHA, which I refuse to type in lower case. It may not be a live show as previously suggested, but it’s still their big Season 1 wrap-up airing in August. I think we can trust Matt Striker and Vampiro to be on their best behavior for such an occasion.