…And Now Let's Watch a Tortoise Get It On With a Croc as Sir David Attenborough Narrates

Usually when we feature animals on this blog, it’s because we’ve found photos or a video of some sort of ball-shrivelling freak of nature, but today we go in the other direction with this video of David Attenborough applying his Planet Earth narration voice to a video of a tortoise just humping the s–t out of a shoe. Why? Well for one, I’m a fan of shelled reptiles (in fact I own a tortoise that looks a lot like the dude in the video) and secondly, it’s pretty goddamn funny/adorable.

Hit the jump for classy tortoise porn…

My tortoise is still a youngster, and not as large as the one in that video, but I think he’s starting to have urges. Maybe I should buy him a pair of baby Crocs.

via Guyism

Tortoise pic via Shutterstock