Alec Baldwin Brings His ‘SNL’ Trump Impression Out To Protest On Inauguration Eve

Alec Baldwin brought a little bit of his Trump impression from SNL with him to Michael Moore’s inauguration protest in New York City. The documentarian and Trump critic led the protest alongside celebrities like Mark Ruffalo and Robert DeNiro, the latter kicking off the event by reading a set of made up tweets from the president. This would be enough for an entertaining counter protest, but Baldwin was also on hand to drip a little Trump flavor into the festivities.

Now Baldwin didn’t spend the entire time roasting Trump with his SNL performance, turning things serious by the end, but he got in enough to make an impact with the crowd. You can’t go wrong with some urine humor after the release of that “golden showers” report. He then made sure to get the crowd behind the idea of not lying down for the president, Mike Pence, and anybody else in the new administration. It’s nothing new if you’ve been paying attention since Election Day, but folks are trying to keep “the resistance” talk alive.

A real counter protest wouldn’t rely on SNL impressions and made up tweets read by aging celebrities, but at least it’s something. It isn’t like Robert DeNiro and Alec Baldwin can just hop into one of their movie roles and bring them into reality. If they could, I think I’d want to see Harry Tuttle from Brazil and Baldwin from Glengarry Glen Ross. Those guys might make a mess of things that would really mess up the inauguration, along with Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk. Not the “real” Hulk, but just Ruffalo in green paint. Likely more effective.

(Via Vulture)