This Student Made A Homemade American Flag, But There’s More To It Than Stars And Stripes

The American flag has been depicted in countless ways, but a 17-year-old in Miami County, Indiana, went many extra miles to construct something special. Jacob Feasel went viral after his flag hit local news stations. WISH-TV in Indianapolis covered the ridiculously complex senior project, which looks almost normal from afar and sort of artsy-craftsy upon second glance. Look even closer, and the details of the flag pop into view. The project, which spans 24 square feet, is made up of toy soldiers. Jacob meticulously spray-painted and arranged each soldier and properly affixed them to a wooden platform. This feat took, oh, more than one weekend in the garage.

Jacob, who only wanted an “A” grade, says he included “seven different types of Army guys here.” Now, he realizes the project may be useful in nabbing scholarship funds. Well, that’s a fair goal. After all, an astounding 4,466 plastic solders stand in patriotic tribute, and that doesn’t account for the glue or paint used to complete the project. One can safely assume — after consulting price guides for these little guys — that Jacob’s parents dropped at least a few hundred bucks on supplies. Sure, this project is a unique one, but school projects are pricey as hell. Let’s hope this flag reaps more than 100,000 Facebook shares and a local news report. This beauty probably belongs in a museum.