Praising the “poorest” populations of India wasn’t the only eyebrow-raising thing Donald Trump Jr. said during his visit there on Tuesday. The man who defended his father against claims of racism and held a questionable meeting in Trump Tower also defended his family against charges of profiteering from the presidency.
According to the Associated Press, Trump Jr. responded to such claims by dubbing them “nonsense” and, in an odd about-face, decried the fact that the Trump family hadn’t been given any credit for imposing financial restrictions on themselves. He even went so far as to whine about the apparent lack of positive coverage for such self-limitations was a “shame”:
Trump Jr., who along with his brother Eric now runs the Trump Organization, told Indian television channel CNBC-TV18 on Tuesday that when critics talk about them “profiteering from the presidency and all this nonsense” they forget about “the opportunity cost of the deals that we were not able to do.”
“It’s sort of a shame. Because we put on all these impositions on ourselves and essentially got no credit for actually doing that… for doing the right thing,” he added.
By pure coincidence, questions about and criticisms of the Trump family’s alleged presidential profiteering were broached while Trump Jr. was in the country to boost a “new Trump-brand luxury real estate development in a suburb of the Indian capital.” During the week before his arrival, Trump Jr.’s face was plastered across several major newspapers and magazines in an advertisement for the new development and his related visit. It asked readers, “Trump has arrived. Have you?” and promised “a conversation and dinner” to those who bought an apartment by Thursday.
“Trump has arrived. Have you?” Presidential sprog splashed across the Saturday papers in India 🇮🇳, which is home to more Trump businesses than anywhere else outside the US. Flogging apartments. But don’t worry, the presidency is not being monetized. pic.twitter.com/NAK0sKXDyd
— Siobhan Heanue (@siobhanheanue) February 17, 2018
(Via Associated Press)