Seth Meyers Has A Message For All The ‘Bernie Or Bust’ Voters Out There


That’s the message Seth Meyers has for “Bernie or Bust” voters all over the country tonight on Late Night with Seth Meyers. In a new segment, appropriately called “Hey!,” Meyers tries to talk some sense into the people who refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton even though the other option is the probable-end-of-the-world candidate Donald Trump. Seth gives an impassioned – but funny, of course – plea for everybody resisting Clinton’s candidacy to seriously reassess their situation and political decisions.

Highlights of the clip include Seth pointing out how absurd it is to grant an interview request when someone has tape over their mouth in protest, the fact that the “bust” option of this election cycle has already happened and now Hillary is their best option so they better suck it up, and the hilarity that is people using the excuse “I don’t know anybody planning to vote for Trump” as a reason to stick by Bernie’s side even though he isn’t the nominee and will never be the nominee.

Michelle Obama threw some serious shade, Elizabeth Warren went right at Trump’s over-tanned jugularBernie himself told his supporters to vote for Clinton. If all of those incredible speeches and pleas to vote Hillary Clinton over Trump isn’t enough, maybe Seth appealing to voters’ common sense will be the solution. Something has to break through to this subset of voters at this point otherwise come 2017 Seth won’t be snapping at voters on the fence and dropping pithy Rihanna jokes, he’ll be airing daily Trump updates on Trump National Television and hosting Melania, Ivanka, and Tiffany on his couch every single night. And he’ll be broadcasting from Russia.

For goodness’ sake, just listen to Seth everyone!