Michelle Obama Says She Went To Bed On Election Night: ‘It Was In The Hands Of The American People’

While Time unveiled its gloomy “Man of the Year” recipient Wednesday morning featuring Donald Trump in all his 1940s style dictator glory, People magazine released a vastly different cover story about the Obamas and their final days in the White House. In the accompanying interview, both the President and First Lady opened up for the first time about how they felt on election night, watching Trump become the next President of the United States.

Throughout the campaign, Michelle Obama was one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest champions, delivering some of the most emotional and powerful speeches on the Democratic candidate’s behalf. On election night however, as many Americans stayed up late on the edge of their seats waiting for the results to come in, Mrs. Obama says that she simply went to bed.

“I tend not to– I don’t watch debates, I don’t like to watch the political discourse; I never have. I barely did with him,” Obama told People, referring to her husband.” Continuing, she said:

Once you do what you can do, you know, then you rest easy. It’s in the hands of the American people. I think anything that I felt about the election I said, and I stand by. This is our democracy and this is how it works, and so we are ready to work with the next administration and make sure that they are as successful as they can be, because that’s what’s best for this country.

Although she’s careful never to mention Trump by name, consider this yet another example at what a class act our current First Lady is, right down to the end.

(Via People)