A Republican candidate for Denton County sheriff in Texas wrote a Facebook post saying that he would beat any transgender woman who tried to use the ladies’ bathroom at the same time as his daughter. He would do this to protect his kid. I guess he has a different viewpoint than this dad speaking out against the North Carolina transgender bathroom law.
According to the Dallas Observer, Tracy Murphree wrote about his stance in a recent Facebook post:
“This whole bathroom thing is craziness I have never seen,” Murphree wrote in an April 22 Facebook post. “All I can say is this: If my little girl is in a public women’s restroom and a man, regardless of how he may identify, goes into the bathroom, he will then identify as a John Doe until he wakes up in whatever hospital he may be taken to. Your identity does not trump my little girl’s safety. I identify as an overprotective father that loves his kids and would do anything to protect them”
While Murphree’s post garnered a lot of support from concerned parents, another local politician, Amber Dyden Briggle, took the candidate to task. She has an 8 year old trans son who felt that he had to avoid going to the bathroom at school all day, because he wasn’t sure if he’d get called out for using the wrong bathroom. She writes:
“He is not a danger. Transgender people are NOT a danger. I can promise you that you have used the bathroom COUNTLESS times with a transgender person without even knowing it. Trans people have existed forever, and only NOW we’re scared of them? Not cool, Tracy. Stay out of my child’s bathroom. There are far more important things to be worried about than someone trying to pee.
Murphree’s response is to accuse Briggle of calling him a bigot, when they are both concerned parents trying to protect their children. He repeats the notion that child molesters will take advantage of transgender bathroom rights, and that he will not give into political correctness.
(via Dallas Observer)