Aliens hate Eckhart’s chin dimple, but not if Michelle Rodriguez kills them

Below is the new trailer for Battle: Los Angeles, which seems to have the collective arm flab of the internet all a-quiver with pre-emptive applause.  Yes, the trailer looks pretty good, very explosion-y.  But I remember thinking the same thing about Independence Day.  And this is still a movie from the director of a Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake starring Michelle Rodriguez, right?   Just checking.   (You’ll never believe this, but MichelleRod plays a hardcore Latina Marine).  So will it be the next District 9 or the next Skyline?  Either way, I guess we’ll find out on 3-11-2011.

Well, you’ll find out anyway.  That’s the day *I* celebrate 311 day, by taking giant b-loads and bumping “Come Original.”   Whoa, dude, did he just say “amber is the color of my energy?”  That’s, like, (*bong load*) …deep, brah.  (*coughs)

Upcoming Alien Invasion movies:

And that’s not counting Paul, Green Lantern, Transformers 3, the Alien prequel, or any of the early stages stuff like Asteroids or Space Invaders.  WHO WILL ALIEN IT BETTER??? I CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT!!