Chrissy Teigen is known as an ultra-popular model and tastemaker as well as the better half of John Legend, but it’s her keen insights on social media that can turn even the most jaded gamer or nerd into a Teigen fan. The best example of her surprisingly poignant takes on pop culture came Thanksgiving weekend as she was diving into Nintendo’s latest and greatest mobile game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. The game promises calm, charming, fun. But instead, it’s a never-ending hustle to serve your bug-eyed animal overlords.
Not surprisingly, considering the popularity of Teigen or Nintendo’s latest smash-hit, these tweets resonated with people. Pocket Camp is a mobile game, so it’s a grind formulated to make you spend real cash. That doesn’t mean it isn’t relaxing or cute or packed full of neat furniture to collect, but there’s definitely an undercurrent of nefarious money-grabbing systems in your pleasant little town. But then, Tom Nook, the (possibly) Ayn Rand thumping shop owner has always had a late-stage capitalism streak running through him, the trash panda.
In other words, Teigen is pretty spot-on here, encapsulating what some gaming journalists have spent thousands of words articulating in a few tweets. The animals are invasive, they ask for too much for little in return, and make too much small talk for someone as busy as the player, running errands. Good for her. Doesn’t change the fact she dropped cash, though (so did this author).
pocket animal crossing might be okay for you AC newbies but for us tom nook loyalists it is merely a hit of the crack that is actual, real, animal crossing. It lacks the heart. The soul. It's a sandwich with no meat. A car without tires.
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 26, 2017
That said, I have spent $120 dollars on leaf tickets
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 26, 2017
These pocket animal crossing animal people things. They aren't our friends. They're jerks. Who makes certain couch demands before visiting someone's house? Then shows a video montage of them sleeping on it. I hate these people
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 26, 2017
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 26, 2017
I…my friend…can't have more than one rug in my campsite at once???? There is space for another large rug…for her, my friend
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) November 26, 2017
Fans agree. Wholeheartedly.
Chrissy Teigen is right af. This Pocket Animal Crossing is merely a TASTE of the foolishness that made OG Animal Crossing so fucking awesome
— annoyed (@NILLY___) November 27, 2017
Mood: Chrissy Teigen losing her mind over Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
— cherry blossom sarita (@sarahdominos) November 26, 2017
i replied to chrissy teigen last night with a marxist half-joke about her animal crossing observations and now suddenly i'm leading the revolution
[animal crossing theme] RISE MY COMRADES
— Lauren (@lenofi) November 26, 2017
Hopefully one day soon, the Switch will get an Animal Crossing proper. Until then, Pocket Camp will do. And we’ll all keep playing with Chrissy Teigen.