Monument Valley is coming back for more, so don’t get too attached to your current phone’s background. The wildly successful game that actually spawned a movie script will get another sequel, with more beautiful scenery sure to replace your significant other or dog or maybe your child.
The original Monument Valley hit phones in 2014, and a more expansive sequel hit in 2017. Both were huge hits with players who loved the physics-twisting, brightly-colored landscape puzzles. More than a few people ended up taking a screenshot of the M.C. Esher-like puzzles the game presents and put them behind the clock and apps they run on the smartphone they played the game on.
And now it seems that fans of the series will have new puzzles to play through sometime soon. On Monday, Ustwo Games announced Monument Valley 3 by way of a job posting that said the game is coming, and it will need help to make it happen.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We're starting work on Monument Valley 3! But with two exciting games already in development, we're looking for a NEW Game Director to lead the creative vision. Could it be you? Job spec and application page are now online: https://t.co/S3GLPS4kZM #gamedev #gamejobs pic.twitter.com/Dq6pr3ZeTX
— ustwo games (@ustwogames) July 31, 2019
Ustwo seems to have a lot of different projects going on, which is exciting. Monument Valley is beautiful and has a killer soundtrack, so more of anything coming from their studio is certainly good news.
The game’s lore has spawned a movie pitch as well, so it’s clear the Monument Valley universe will only get bigger. Good news all around.
[via Polygon]