Norman Reedus Roasted Konami After His New Game For Sony Was Announced

Monday night, Sony revealed at the E3 Press Conference that The Walking Dead‘s Norman Reedus is starring in Hideo Kojima’s next game. You probably already knew that; if you didn’t click on a post called “Norman Reedus’ Digitized Butt Stars In Hideo Kojima’s Next Game, Death Stranding” then it’s like I don’t even know you anymore.

The Reedus-Kojima collaboration is a long time coming. The two were working with Guillermo del Toro on the awesome-looking Silent Hills, which was senselessly cancelled by Konami. Reedus said a collaboration still “has to happen” and Konami pretended Kojima was just on vacation right up until he announced he had left to work with Sony on a new game. Then Reedus and Kojima reunited for mysterious reasons, as seen in the Twitter picture above. Then we noticed a character in the upcoming Sony game looked an awful lot like Reedus in a mask. Now it’s confirmed; that is Reedus in Death Stranding.

And to make matters even more entertaining, just after the game’s trailer was revealed at E3, Reedus did a bit of a victory lap on his Instagram:

It’s a photoshop, to be sure. But we love the thought of Hideo Kojima making a customized mug to hold a warm salty beverage of Konami tears. And we love that Reedus choose to share this photoshop just moments after Sony and Kojima announced the Reedus-starring game at E3.

Perhaps our reaction can best be summed up with GIFs:

We are nothing if not exceedingly mature.

(Via Kotaku)