PlayStation Plus Has ‘Mad Max’ And ‘Trackmania Turbo’ As April’s Free Games

Warner Bros.

There’s probably a good chance gamers are still playing Ratchet & Clank and Bloodborne from PlayStation Plus’ March offerings, but April’s free games are absolutely worth some hard drive space. And let it be known — free isn’t always worth hard drive space.

Keep in mind that most all of these games are cross-buy with PS3 and PS Vita where noted.

PlayStation 4

Mad Max

Mad Max is like the Batman Arkham games but… Mad Max. In other words, this is an oft-overlooked and severely underrated title that should definitely be played until you get that platinum trophy, shiny and chrome.

TrackMania Turbo

Another extremely fun, extremely under the radar title for PlayStation Plus users this week. I blame this one on the cover art, that’s a little easy to pass up. But once you get going in this over-the-top racer, it’s hard to stop.
In Space We Brawl (Cross-buy – PS3)

99Vidas (Cross-buy – PS3 and PS Vita)

Q*Bert: Rebooted (Cross-buy – PS3 and PS Vita)

PS Vita

99Vidas (Cross-buy – PS3 and PS4)

Q*Bert: Rebooted(Cross-buy – PS3 and PS4)

These are some of the final PS Vita games that will be offered for free on PS Plus. Sony probably has data backing up why they’re discontinuing the free games for their portable hardware, but should they? Does it cost them anything to keep it going?

Check out April’s free Xbox Games with Gold titles here.