EA Gave Fans 30 Stunning Minutes Of ‘Star Wars: Battlefront 2’ Multiplayer Gameplay At E3 2017


Star Wars: Battlefront was a fun, but terribly thin (and overpriced) game that scratched the next-gen itch for Star Wars fans, but left a sour taste in the mouth of gamers who fondly recalled the old games. Where was the customization? Why were we only playing in episodes IV-VI?

No more! Now all three eras of Star Wars will be equally represented, and we can hopefully have Kylo Ren fight his grandma, Queen Amidala, on Hoth. But first, a massive reveal from EA.

The 30-minute E3 gameplay reveal showed off Naboo in a three-phase assault mode that will shift the battle from a massive attack from the sky and ground to a smaller skirmish within the queen’s temple. The attention to detail is utterly stunning and welcome from a fan who has always wanted a definitive Star Wars action game. It almost looks too good to be true, running at a smooth 60 FPS with particles bouncing all around Darth Maul as he deflected blaster shots. Is this running on a regular Xbox One and PS4?

A Few Details

All DLC will be free, which is huge. No more split playerbases. No more $100 games! Naturally, the fans are pleased:



This is probably the biggest news to come out of the entire EA conference, as it finally shows that the big companies are listening to the fans, who don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to have a “complete” game. Anyone who has a certain DLC pack when their friend doesn’t know it’s a total drag to have to basically not play with their friends, and DLC season passes are archaic as hell, so this is music to many ears.

Crait, the new planet featured in The Last Jedi will be in Battlefront 2. We’ve also seen images that hint at an attack on Kylo Ren’s First Order base. How deep we’ll go into The Last Jedi, no one knows for sure yet, but it seems like this game will be heavily focused on Episodes 1-8. Hopefully, we get some Rogue One in there too.

And if you need more Battlefront, here is 12 minutes of leaked multiplayer footage that looks nice. Real nice.

There are wookies. Many wookies. What else do we need?