Despite its shortcomings on the PC, Batman: Arkham Knight is a certified masterpiece of a game and a fine cap to the best series of Batman video games to ever hit the scene. Smosh Games’ latest Honest Trailer reflects that, but it also keeps a focus on the most bad-ass part of the game: the car. Actually, tank. The Batmobile is definitely more of a tank in this one and the world doesn’t seem to have any issues with that (unless we’re counting PC gamers or folks who don’t like car puzzles).
Elsewhere we have Batman not giving a single f*ck about safety or the lives of these criminals, having crazy jump scare moments, and slapping the hell out of Robin for some reason (I still haven’t played the game, dammit). It also raises a great point about Batman’s new armor, all that money and tech but still not bulletproof. Has he learned nothing from his parent’s tragic demise? Idiot.
(Via Smosh Games)