‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’ Gets Some Terrible Titles Thanks To Twitter’s #BadStarWars8Names

Star Wars: The Force Awakens just became the highest-grossing movie in the North American market, so people are understandably looking forward to Star Wars: Episode VIII. The next episode in the new trilogy will be written and directed by Rian Johnson (Looper). It’ll definitely star Daisy Ridley as Rey, and we know Benicio Del Toro and Donnie Yen will probably have roles, as well. Any other details are sketchy, but that didn’t stop anyone from suggesting titles for Episode VIII on Twitter.

On Tuesday, the hashtag BadStarWars8Names started trending on Twitter, with jokers making (mostly pun-based) suggestions for the title of Star Wars: Episode VIII. We’ve collected some of our favorite jokes below. We have to admit, Star Wars Into Darkness has a nice ring to it. And let’s be honest, none of these ideas are stranger than the rumor about Hayden Christensen or Rian Johnson’s dream about a Jedi fighting a dog in a canoe.


