The first Pacific Rim was one of those rare stand outs where a movie that looked kind of ridiculous turned out to be a ton of fun. Who knew that essentially a live-action, western version of Neon Genesis Evangelion starring Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy could turn out to not be some sort of abomination? The upcoming sequel already has John Boyega of Star Wars fame attached to it, but what about Charlie Hunnam? He was one of the driving forces of the first film, and while he’s been keeping busy, it wouldn’t be a stretch to see him smash some kaiju again.
According to Nerdist, there will be no Charlie Hunnam in Pacific Rim 2 and it was mostly politics and scheduling that came into play. There was, at one point, a script that involved his character from the first film, but it was scrubbed when he wasn’t available and they were unwilling to bend to meet his needs.
“I read an early draft [of Pacific Rim 2] …There was one incarnation of this sequel that involved me heavily, but I was unavailable,” explained Hunnam.
So for those out there that were looking for Finn and Jax smashing kaiju together in the middle of the ocean, Pacific Rim: Maelstrom won’t be that film, but it will still be a film with John Boyega, giant mechs and crazy monsters.
(Via Nerdist)