Worried that wrestler-turned-thespian Dave Bautista has inexplicably turned into a 99-pound weakling since you saw him last? Don’t be. That flexing muscle surplus tucked below is our beloved Bautista (Bau-Bau!) and he’s showcasing his “#Draxmode” physique and a handsome toque to boot.
#Draxmode pic.twitter.com/gsOX0OEwze
— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) January 23, 2016
Provided he’s not escorting two invisible ladies to a square dance in this selfie, Bautista appears to be sending out the message that he’s getting into game shape for upcoming blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. The 47-year-old rising action star earned a special spot in our hearts as Drax the Destroyer in this franchise’s first go-around and now he’s set to return for next month’s start of production. As a bonus tease, here’s some visual evidence that James Gunn has scripts at the ready. (Dignified drooling is allowed. We’re not here to judge.)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is currently teed up for a Drax-sized May 5, 2017 release with Dave Bautista, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper, Karen Gillan, Michael Rooker and Vin Diesel all set to return from the first film. Provided you’re not afraid of potential spoilers, there’s also a bit of chatter that a certain action/sci-fi legend will get in on the action in this new installment. We’re psyched for the movie, but is it bad that we’re almost equally riled up about the prospect of more tunes from Peter Quill’s “new” mixtape? We’re not made of stone.
(via Entertainment Weekly)