Fox just released a villains-centric teaser for their Batman prequel TV show, Gotham (trailer here, early reviews here). The teaser features Catwoman (Camren Bicondova), the Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor), and Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) in fitting surroundings — an alley, a frigid meat locker, and a gang-owned restaraunt — as a voicover by Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) asks, “How will a little girl, a low-level thug, and a businesswoman become the most dangerous villains around? Simple answer: they all got their start in this city.”
No mention of The Riddler (Cory Michael Smith), Poison Ivy (Clare Foley), or The Joker, even though we know they’ll all figure into the series somehow. Riddler and Ivy were in the pilot (as a forensic scientist and an awkward kid watering a houseplant, respectively), and showrunner Bruno Heller said The Joker will be introduced in a later episode. There will reportedly be several red herrings along the way, so characters we think could be the Joker are just a fake out. What a boner!
Gotham airs on FOX Monday nights this Fall.
Via Vulture