Netflix recently released new drama 13 Reasons Why to solid acclaim and probably decent audience numbers based on buzz (although the streaming service still won’t release any solid numbers so we’ll never really know). Over on the CW, Archie Comics adaptation Riverdale has settled into a fun and twisty teen show that makes great use of each of the Archie Universe characters that many viewers know and love from the more innocent and less Gossip Girl-esque comic books. Now, a big recasting move on the latter show might provide a major hint at the chances of the former getting more episodes.
According to Michael Ausiello over at TVLine, Riverdale‘s resident Reggie isn’t sticking around much longer but that doesn’t mean the character is being written off the show. Ross Butler, the young actor currently playing Archie’s rival and fellow football star, is also a regular cast member of 13 Reasons Why and because of his multiple commitments Season 1 of Riverdale couldn’t include the character in as many episodes as would have happened otherwise.
Riverdale showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa explained the situation as such,
“We love what Ross did with the role of Reggie [this season], but because of his commitments to other projects, we couldn’t use him nearly as much as we would have liked. [Next season], we want more Reggie on our show — he’s Archie’s rival! — and because Ross is unavailable to come back to Riverdale, we’re looking for a new Reggie. Those are big shoes to fill, but we’re confident we can find an actor who is as funny and sexy as Ross. And of course we all wish Ross the best.”
While recasting of this sort is not unusual (Reggie is still a minor character in all the major story arcs, and as Aguirre-Sacasa says he hasn’t been utilized that much), it’s a throwaway line in the news bulletin that is really interesting. Ausiello says that the Netflix teen show is “a lock to get a Season 2 pickup.”
Since the first season was one story told to (tragic) completion, many fans probably weren’t expecting a second season to come to fruition or even be on the table at all. Some critics would rather just stick to Hannah Baker’s story and those 13 tapes…
…but at least one has a pretty good reason for Netflix to make more episodes.
Answers must be had!
(via TVLine)