If you left the theater when the credits for Deadpool 2 started rolling, you missed the biggest laugh in the movie (although the skydiving sequence is good stuff). After Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio repair Cable’s time-traveling device, Wade Wilson uses it to save Vanessa and Peter from death, and kill the mouth-less version of Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds for agreeing to star in Green Lantern. “It’s Ryan using time travel to purge his demons,” director David Leitch told us. “It’s about as meta as you can f*cking get, I want to end this! And I think it’s cathartic, too. Once and for all, this is my vindication.” It was also a pain in the butt to put together.
Reynolds was a recent guest on the Empire Film Podcast, where he discussed the nightmare that was obtaining the footage from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
“We had a dick of a time trying to get the actual raw footage from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The movie was shot on film, it wasn’t shot on digital, so it was harder to get,” he said. “And even though we were sitting there on the Fox lot, the exact piece of the movie we need had been damaged, on whatever the transfer was. So we had to go to some backup which was in some, vault somewhere in the middle of the country of the United States, and we ended up finally at the last second inputting it into the movie.” Was the print “damaged,” as Reynolds claims, or was 20th Century Fox trying to pretend that X-Men Origins: Wolverine never happened? I mean, can you blame them?
“For me I was literally losing sleep over it, though. I was thinking, ‘Oh my god, how are we going to do this? Am I going to have to call Hugh and ask him to shoot this chunk that looks exactly like a movie he’s already done?’ I can’t think of a worse hell for a human being to do then go, ‘Hey why don’t you take the scene from a movie you did ten years ago and recreate it exactly?’ So no, we ended up getting the little piece of footage.” (Via)
You can listen to the entire episode below.
(Via Comic Book)