Back in May, DC Entertainment began publishing a 12-part series by the celebrity duo of Kevin Smith (“Clerks”) and Ralph Garman (“Family Guy”). “Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet” follows the bombastic adventures of Adam West era Batman and his short-lived television foil, Van Williams' Green Hornet.
Image Credit: DC Entertainment
Based on the 1960s crossover television event, this crime fighting team has been through the ringer. And to top it off, Chapter 7 finds them on opposing sides! Have The Green Hornet and Kato truly turned their coats in favor of a life a villainy? Batman and Robin believe so!
Check out the exclusive preview after the jump. It's an all out battle between the fearless foursome! But who will be victorious?
Chapter 7 will be available for download on Comixology Wednesday August 13th.