‘Gotham’ Is Bringing Bane And One Of The Craziest Scenes Yet

Gotham only has three episodes left in its 100-episode series run, and the new trailer above teases next week’s official introduction of Bane, who — in this alternate reality version — will be (spoiler alert?) breaking a different character’s back. Although the trailer makes it look like Bruce and Selina are potential back injury recipients, the cast revealed at last year’s New York Comic Con panel that Alfred gets the reckoning.

There’s another change to the story in this alternate reality. Now Bane is one of Jim Gordon’s old military buddies-turned-unethical-mercenary who Jim recently killed by accident in self defense. But nobody stays dead in Gotham. Does he get resurrected and agonizingly mutated by Dr. Hugo Strange? Of course. Does he break a guy’s neck by just slightly turning the guy’s head? You bet. Is he trying to kill Barbara Kean while she’s in labor with Jim Gordon’s baby? This is Gotham, so yes.

This show is bonkers, and — in one of the craziest Gotham scenes we’ve seen not involving cannibalism or comical decapitation — Barbara Kean holds two handguns and shoots Bane’s henchman while in labor with Jim Gordon’s baby, being wheeled backwards through a hallway by Jim Gordon’s wife (it’s complicated).


Hashtag girlboss.

Here’s the full synopsis for next Thursday’s episode, guest starring Shane West, B.D. Wong, and Jamie Murray:

On the precipice of Gotham’s reunification, Gordon and Bruce find themselves face-to-face with a newly transformed Eduardo, and discover the real mastermind behind the city’s current chaos. Meanwhile, a pregnant Barbara turns to Lee for help in the all-new “I Am Bane” episode of GOTHAM airing Thursday, March 21 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

I still can’t believe Bane broke a guy’s neck that easily. It never works when we try it…


(Via Gotham)