Hey! It turns out Sophie Turner aka Sansa Stark is making Vines too

I’ve already named Masie Williams, aka Arya Stark. the reigning queen of Vine, but now it looks like her on-screen sister, Sansa (aka Sophie Turner) is something of a 6-second auteur as well. Lest you think the Sisters Stark are using Vine to duel, however, I bring you proof they’re actually combining their powers for the greater good of mankind. By which I mean: Sophie and Maisie made a pair of tandem videos they have called “Vineception.’

Here’s Sophie’s:

And Maisie’s too:

//platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js //platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js

Aw, those Stark sisters really do make the best cell phone videos in all of Westerous.