Madonna takes another jab at Lady Gaga: ‘Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’

Another week, another Madonna rant against Lady Gaga.

The Material Girl took on Mother Monster (again) at an Atlantic City concert on Saturday, telling fans she was dedicating her song “Masterpiece” to the “Edge of Glory” superstar. Of course, she couldn’t help but take another dig at Gaga in the process.

“I’m going to dedicate this next song … to Lady Gaga,” said Madonna. “You wanna know something? I love her. I love her. I do love her. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. But one day, very soon, we’re going to be on stage together. Just you wait. You think I’m kidding? I love Lady Gaga.”

Do I sense a little sarcasm there? Does Mel Gibson have an anger problem?

Madonna has been taking swipes at her would-be rival all year long, beginning with a January “Good Morning America” interview in which she called Gaga’s “Born This Way” – which has been accused of ripping-off Madge’s “1989 hit “Express Yourself” – “reductive.” Gaga, on the other hand, has remained mostly silent on the elder pop star’s repeated jabs, including previous concert appearances that have seen the “Give Me All Your Luvin'” singer treating fans to a mashup of the two songs.

Which is all very mature for a 54-year-old woman, wouldn’t you say?

You can watch footage of Madonna’s comments below (the cattiness starts at around the 6-minute mark).

Do you feel Madonna is justified in taking jabs at Lady Gaga, or should she cut it out? Sound off in the comments.

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