WARNING: Spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War ahead.
Samuel L. Jackson is like the wizard behind the storyline within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As Nick Fury, he put the Avengers together and played a role in most of the films — though he is a little chapped over his lack of appearances in some of the more recent movies. And with that spot in the MCU story, it only fits that he’d be here to usher in the next face of Marvel Studios’ efforts and the person who might turn the tides in Avengers 4.
In a recent interview with Vulture, Jackson talked about how his bit part in Infinity War came around and how he might’ve been out of touch for this chapter, but he’s right there for the next one:
“I had no idea, it came out of the blue,” says Jackson, who was asked to film the tag while making Captain Marvel in Atlanta. He claims he didn’t even realize how Fury would perish until he saw the finished film…
“Who’s really dead, and who’s really in the flaky wind of Marvel dust, I don’t know, but I do know there’s a solution that they didn’t even have to tell me, just because I know who Captain Marvel is and what all that means.”
When it comes to Captain Marvel and “what all that means,” Jackson doesn’t mince words. He dumps a tsunami of praise on Brie Larson and plays up her future within the MCU. He’s also not disconnected from what the film means outside of the Marvel universe:
“She’s taken this responsibility very seriously: ‘I’ve got to represent not just me, Brie as an actress, but every woman on the planet as a strong woman. This character means so much to the franchise!’ And it’s like, breathe. Just breathe,” says Jackson. “You are who you are and they hired you for a reason, so just do you.”
Still, he’s excited by Larson’s level of commitment. “She wants it to be a special film, she wants it to represent women, she wants it to be a film that has heart and depth,” he says. “Brie grabs information from everywhere: Who was the first female pilot? What were her struggles? She wants to make sure all of that is embodied in the character to give it the justice of the woman’s struggle, to follow her from where she was to becoming this great force, because she’s the most powerful character in the Marvel universe.”
If you didn’t think the reports about Captain Marvel and Brie Larson being the face of Marvel post-Avengers 4 were correct, leave it to Sam Jackson to spell it out. He’s a pretty good interview too, with some tidbits about Incredibles 2 and Glass tossed in there for good measure. You have to love how Jackson keeps finding out he’s in things or sequels after the fact. He is just too busy.
(Via Vulture)