With four little words, Stan Lee just “dropped the mic” on the entire DC movie universe. But let”s set the stage first.
Just a little more than a month ago, at the world premiere for Suicide Squad, the film”s director and writer David Ayer got a little over-enthused when he decided it was a good time to yell out “F–k Marvel.” While he later took back his comments, saying he was caught up in the moment, Ayer had clearly thrown down the gauntlet at the feet of Marvel and Stan Lee.
At the time, Lee decided to play nice rather than rip Ayer. He wrote on Twitter that he wasn”t offended, but the plucky 93-year old clearly has a long memory. This all leads us to last weekend when Lee reminded everyone in the comic book world who”s boss and who”s an also-ran.
During a Q&A session at Fan Expo Canada, an audience member asked Lee a reasonable question, “How do you think DC can make a hit with critics?” Considering the critical trashing Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad received, it”s not an unfair inquiry. And when you factor in how much Lee knows about the genre, why not go to the expert? With the question teed up, Lee perhaps recalled Ayer”s “f-bomb” and dropped a zinger all his own.
“Let me write it,” Lee answered. The response was met with a roar of applause and a boom of laughter.
Somewhere Ayer better be penning a well-written apology to Lee so as to avoid another verbal beat down.
Check out the video below, the zinger setup starts at the 3:00 mark…