The Cast Of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Share Their True Feelings About Porgs On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

The cast of Star Wars: The Last Jedi descended on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Friday night for the latest of the host’s many takeover shows. Kimmel has done the same for the previous films released in the Disney era, but it is hard to top the red carpet treatment The Last Jedi is getting. Not only is it gathering comparisons to The Empire Strikes Back, it will give us a taste of what Rian Johnson will do with his own Star Wars trilogy in the near future.

The Empire comparisons come up early in the chat with Kimmel when Mark Hamill compares the battle against spoilers now to the period when the second Star Wars film was in production. His story about keeping the revelation of Darth Vader’s connection to Luke Skywalker secret is hilarious, if only for his Harrison Ford impression at the end. It’s also funny how paparazzi had to hang out at a pub to get secrets about Empire. Today it would all likely end up on Reddit for free at some point.

Then later, once the entire cast has come out, Kimmel starts dropping the big questions and presses them on their feelings about porgs. While it seems like everybody is pretty much on team porg, John Boyega is not a fan at all. He also isn’t afraid of any repercussions from Disney for his opinions or his revelation that there is a porg area on the Millennium Falcon. If anything, he is now going to have to save the day in the next movie with a team of porg commandos. That is his curse.

Kimmel also admirably tries to get any nugget of info he possibly can out of the cast during the entire show, even asking Daisy Ridley flat out who her parents are at one point. Nobody slips up, but Rian Johnson does reveal what the very first word spoken in the film will be. He also cements what The Last Jedi means and who it refers to, something he has already done on Twitter.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)